Counseling & Support
Find a variety of resources as well as some tips to help get you through this unusual time.
School psychologists, nurses, counselors and specialists in Speech/Language/Hearing and adaptive physical education are available to provide a wide variety of support services for students.
Student Study and Child Study Teams assist students experiencing academic difficulty, those with special needs, assessing eligibility for placement in special classes and recommending specialized services as needed. Special services and classes are offered for students with learning disabilities as well as other students with exceptional needs.
After school and/or lunch time tutoring was offered at all sites. Ten days of intersession support was provided for middle school students during spring and summer intersession. An extended school year program is available for those students with disabilities who qualify. At the middle school, math support classes are available for those students needing additional support.
Bilingual paraprofessional support staff provide assistance in the classroom for English Learners. These services are also available for students participate in our Home School program.
208 students received Supplemental Educational Services, additional academic instruction designed to increase the academic achievement of students in schools that have not met State targets for increasing student achievement (adequate yearly progress) for three or more years. SES was provided in the form of after school tutoring.